Vision, Mission, Steps of Discipleship

Our Vision: “Becoming a Jesus-centered Community” 

It is sometimes asked, what is the difference between a vision and a mission? A vision is a picture of what we want to be and where we are heading as a church. For us, that’s Jesus-Centered Community. Picture a congregation that is worshiping Jesus together with tear-filled eyes and grateful hearts. Imagine a community with healthy love-truth relationships based on Jesus as our center. Think of a congregation that puts on the towel and serves, even as Jesus has served us. Set your eyes on a church that reaches out to our neighbors and neighborhood with the saving message of the gospel of Jesus! That is our vision. That’s where we are trying to go. That is what we hope to be. All that follows below, is our relentless attempt to pursue this vision!

Our Mission: "Seeking Gospel Redemption for Our City"

Steps of Discipleship

Our Steps of Discipleship are what participation at FBC Haverhill looks like. Think of these as the path towards becoming a Jesus-Centered Community. Participation means progression, movement and growth. To encapsulate what we would hope each person’s participation at FBC would look like, we have represented this as “steps.” Our discipleship steps are the ideal way in which movement happens for those participating at FBC Haverhill.

Step 1 - Come on Sunday

Joining us for gathered worship is the first step of discipleship. All are welcome, Christians and non-Christians. This is a fantastic time and opportunity to learn what Christianity is all about, work through your faith, hear the Word, and meet FBC Haverhill folks.

Step 2 - Become a Member

Becoming a member means committing to FBC Haverhill. This is a movement from being acquainted with FBC Haverhill to becoming a committed part of the church family. You can learn more about becoming a member of FBC Haverhill here.

Step 3 - Join a Community Group

Joining a small group will typically mean participating in our Community Group ministry meeting at certain homes throughout the week. This is to move from commitment at FBC Haverhill to deeper fellowship and accountability with other members.

Step 4 - Serve in Ministry

Serving on a ministry team moves you from mostly receiving to regularly giving. In this step you are moving from a healthy place of worship and community to using your gifts to equip others mature in their faith in the Lord Jesus.